Whatever happened to…

Ice Milk: Ice milk was a light, flavorless ice cream replacement, that got forgotten after the frozen yogurt craze took over the world. It couldn’t possibly compete with all those toppings. I only remember eating it a few times when at my grandmother’s house. It was around the time when society was in a furor over the revelations about high cholesterol, and senior citizens were anxiously flocking in droves to purchase early-version imitation dairy products, which were later found to have similar properties as plastic.
Stir 'n Frost Cakes: In between baking-from-scratch and the Easy Bake Oven, Stir n Frost Cakes were an 80’s staple for binging Gen-X tweeners (before any of that vocabulary for an era of pre-teens was invented).
Watermelon with Seeds: Does anyone buy these anymore? Are they still available? Is this genetic engineering?
That's all I can think of right now, but your contributions to this list are encouraged.