Ned Tanner

I've been an off and on reader of FOOB my whole life (FOOB, if you did not already know, is of course,
For Better or For Worse, the Canadian soap opera comic strip that has been running approximately since the dawn of man).
FOOB is a controversial comic, routinely
dissected and mocked on the interwebs for its use of corny puns and its progression through actual time, a rare convention in the comics world, in which characters usually remain a certain, indistinct age for the tireless lifespan of a strip.
I mention FOOB today because I was visiting the strangely elaborate FOOB web site today, catching up on the latest permutations of the
Granthony storyline, in which Elizabeth returns, chastened, to her hometown to hook up with her
spineless, formerly-mustachio'd high school sweetheart, when I noticed
this weird product for sale.
Ned is apparently an "anatomically correct" man-doll, once featured in
a handful of FOOB strips. Ned allegedly attaches himself to smooth surfaces with a pair of suction cups, and once played a fictional role in
the rescue of a soused elderly cat lady.
In an act of life imitating art, Ned Tanner appears to be for sale, so that you can stick his anatomically correct self onto the closest smooth surface, and possibly employ him in the rescue of downed elders.
Make the purchase today.
Labels: FOOB, For Better or For Worse, Ned Tanner