Monday, June 25, 2007
  I'm Board

I have the worlds largest collection of games. I'm confident I can back that claim up with witnesses, photographic evidence, etc. all of which should come out over time in a horrifying mea culpatic uberhootian horror posting that will crash the web. In fact I intend just such postings.. soon enough. Stay tuned. By the way board games still rule over videogames.. this is a debate not worth having. I know because I have every videogame ever made. Yes I even have the original floppy disks for Below the Root which is the greatest videogame of all time hands down yet pales in comparison to board games. More about the root some other day friends.

This posting is instead intended to ask you all to name a board game from your youth that you recall fondly.. a game that does not likely hold up to the glory that you remember it to be. This would be the first game pulled out of your friends closet when you went over to play.. or your own when friends arrived. A game you nagged your older or younger sibling(s) to play which, they played reluctantly, perhaps altering the rules to radicaly reduce the amount of time it took for them to, incredibly, woop your arse and leave the room, paper money flittering in the wind of their cackling departure. A game played on christmas eve to kill the agonizing wait for santa parents to deliver their very replacements, hopefully the very next morning.

My choice is "Bonkers!". Or more accurately titled "This game is Bonkers!" This was played with mildly uninteresting "convenience" friends (because they lived across the street) so many times the pieces were frayed, the box was collapsed. The game involved drawing little cards that changed the rules of the game in real time. One card would say go backwards 13 places. Another would say take another players card and do what it says. The result was a pathetic brownian motion simulation that resulted in random twitchy movement around an awwkard "mad magazine" style maze. Random luck would ultimately result in someone hitting the finish line much to the relief of all players who had already lost interest and were busy rewinding their "Grease" soundtrack cassette tapes or reconfiguring their Micronauts.
People I could go on for so long they would find my 200 year old corpse hunched over the keyboard still typing.
Enough! Respond with your board game of choice. GO-------->


I can say I enjoyed the somewhat grotesque game of Operation. There was a strange morbid facination with the removal of body parts, along with the ever-stressful attempt at not setting off the acrid buzzer and turning the poor guy's nose red. With a sudden mishap of the surgical tweasers, the young players would scream with laughter at the sad surgeon and feel relief that the moment was over. I think this was addiction at it's finest.
The Ice Game.... dammit there is an old tiny dog post that discusses it although you sib well know... frozen ice men playing pieces and the many foes that eventually turn the game board into a sopping briny mess... salt pits, hot water baths... metal washers...

Game of the gods.
Sorry! We used to play this game all the time. Try to move 4 pieces to the end. Sometimes you draw a card and send another player back to start. Teaches kids the value of revenge early.

That and we had some dirt in the yard, but I don't think it quite qualifies as a board game. 3 day risk games were good too.
Um... dirt is not a game.
Obviously, our dirt was better and more advanced than yours.

You are daft.
While not technically a board game (but Chris did bring up "dirt"), I think JARTS had to be one of my favorite games from my youth (at least favorite pre-packaged game, which would exclude Melting Star Wars Action Figures with a Magnifying Glass(tm) or Squishing Bugs with and Empty Push-Up Ice Cream Container). Not sure how they got "Jarts" out of "Lawn Darts", but who cares when you have metal spikey things you can throw through the air.

I weep for the generation of kids who are barred from playing this great game because of the current over-protective and lawsuit prone, protect-you-from-yourself fad.

Perhaps someone could invent Wii Jarts? You could throw the controllers in the air at least. But it wouldn't be the same.
Wii Lawn Darts would be SO awesome. Imagine the force feedback for when you accidentally peg your little brother in the head...from then on, he has to wear a hat with a chin strap.

Being essentially an only child (my siblings were adults by the time I was old enough to play board games) I was limited to what my parents would play. We played The Game of Life a lot. I don't remember the game ending up with me unmarried, childless, and perpetually somewhat depressed...but it was just a game.
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