Monday, June 25, 2007
  children's song conspiracy?!
I never made the connection before I had my son, but after hearing the endless repeat of famous children's songs blaring out of toys over and over, I heard it. Why does Ba Ba Black Sheep, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and the ABC Alphabet Song have the SAME friggin melody??!! Could it be a government cover-up, or maybe the aliens from Roswell have been sending underlying messages to young people for years? Is it a conspiracy to install insanity into the minds of the innocent parents so we can never get the melody out of our heads? Or, the worst possibility of all, copyright infringement?

You decide. The truth is out there...


The truth is Sony Records holds the musical rights to all known melodies using the 8 playable keys on a childs piano... except the ABC song. Being in the public domain through the result of a legal fluke, childrens song writers (yes an oxymoron) have jumped on the opportunity to milk the ABC melody to the very brink of dry husk voidness. If you listen very closely to every Britney "song" (snort snicker) ever recorded (did they use a barbie sing'n'save(tm)? anyway..) you'll discover they are all the ABC melody lightly modified using a commodore 64 algorithm that was once published in "computer games magazine" in 1979 that took 9 hours to type in. Where am I going with this? please someone stop me.
Barbie singnsave?????
I'm not sure about music, but I can attest to the fact that we have several baby items that make the exact same duck quack sound. Three quacks, three times. I've come to expect this behavior of the ducks down by the swimming hole too.
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