Best song lyrics ever

I've decided after thinking it over for a few minutes that "
Don't Let's Start," by They Might Be Giants, in fact boasts the best song lyrics in the history of recorded music.
Check the link if you think I am just jerking you around here. --waiting-- OK. Are we not in agreement? Let's break it down.
First-- most profound lines ever written:
No one in the world ever gets what they want
And that is beautiful
Everybody dies frustrated and sad
And that is beautifulGood god, so true. And so
succinct. And still, this is paired with:
When you are alone you are the cat, you are the phone
You are an animal
The words I'm singing now mean nothing more than meow
To an animalYou laugh, and yet-- when cats listen to us, what do they hear? Right. Meow. Think about it. This is deep, people.
I am quite sure no song you come up with could possibly match this one.
Labels: music